


コーパス検索結果 (left1)

1 s in AAs; the crude relative risk of acute rejection in AAs was reduced by 46% when including tacrolimus variability in m
2 oduction, IL-1beta secretion and nuclear factor-kB activity were reduced by knocking down of NLRP1 in human metastatic me
3             Importantly, the autophagy-inducing bioactivity was reduced by interference with IL-6 trans-signaling.
4 nalyses were used, the number of nevi considered for biopsy was reduced by a factor of 6.9 compared with lesion-focused a
5 es, acidification paralleled cathepsin K activity, and both were reduced by sodium bicarbonate co-transporter (P </= 0.00
6                                   Furthermore, Abeta burden was reduced by 84% overall (61% in males and 97% in females).
7 urrent pterygium, the risk of recurrence 6 months after CAG was reduced by 55% compared with AMT (risk ratio [RR], 0.45,
8 ce (ie, global afterload) and myocardial oxygen consumption were reduced by -11% and -12% (P=0.03 and 0.01), respectively
9 izobacterial colonization of the low compatibility cultivar was reduced by mycorrhizal arbuscule formation.
10 erall population; by months 4 through 6, the number of days was reduced by 3.2 in the 70-mg erenumab group and by 3.7 in
11 et benefit in favour of rivaroxaban plus aspirin and deaths were reduced by 23%.
12 ominal surgery who received the mHELP, the odds of delirium were reduced by 56% and LOS was reduced by 2 days.
13 dds for trainee supervision or repeated patient examination was reduced by 45.3% (95% CI, 33.5-55.1) and 19.8% (95% CI, 4
14 ive CRE transmissions over 5 years across all 10 facilities were reduced by 79%-93% compared to no-intervention simulatio
15                           The results showed that the % FFA was reduced by 44.3, PV by 50.2, and FOS reading by 40.1% in
16 V PCR test turnaround time for the postimplementation group was reduced by 14.5 h (23.6 h versus 9.1 h; P < 0.001).
17 a albuminuria, although the degree of microscopic hematuria was reduced by this intervention.
18 the original tumours in immunocompetent humans, and hypoxia was reduced by adoptive TH1 transfer.
19                             Furthermore, when dorsal CA1 Ih was reduced by shRNA-HCN1, the CUS-induced behavioral deficit
20                              Cumulative drug doses of P-III were reduced by 30% for dexamethasone and 50% for vincristine
21 insulin content and insulin:chromogranin A immunoreactivity were reduced by approximately 60%, and glucose-stimulated ins
22                                Hospital-acquired infections were reduced by 50%.
23           We found that the relative density of the invader was reduced by increasing resident community richness and res
24                                                    Invasion was reduced by WNT inhibition, thus unveiling the direct role
25 o the type I interferon (IFN-I) response, as VA1 RNA levels were reduced by pretreatment of Caco-2 cells with IFN-beta1a.
26 the mHELP, the odds of delirium were reduced by 56% and LOS was reduced by 2 days.
27 ansmission of IHNV in a static cohabitation challenge model was reduced by LJ001, transmission was not completely blocked
28                                             Food motivation was reduced by activation of LH GLP-1R.
29  as IGF2BP1, KRAS and HMGA2, encoded by let-7 target mRNAs, were reduced by silencing CircPVT1.
30     For each 1-year increase in age at menarche, risk of MS was reduced by 13% (hazard ratio = 0.87, 95% confidence inter
31                      Bacteria internalized into osteoblasts were reduced by the AMP.
32 romatography analyses, the peak molecular weight of the PAM was reduced by 2 orders of magnitude, from roughly 10 MDa to
33                                                 Parasitemia was reduced by over 90% in P. berghei infected mice in 3/6 de
34                        Platelet PCTP protein in the patient was reduced by approximately 50%.
35               In the most rural region, the 90th percentile was reduced by 10 minutes and 34 seconds.
36 ate/inositol 1,4,5-trisphosphate biosensor GFP-PLCdelta1-PH was reduced by STIM1 shRNA and absent in TRPC1(-/-) cells.
37 pill was 19 mm Hg (95% CI 14-23), and office blood pressure was reduced by 22/13 mm Hg (p<0.0001).
38               After 6 mmol of KNO3, systolic blood pressure was reduced by a maximum of 17.9 (95% CI -28.3 to -7.6) mm Hg
39                              The RMSE in PET quantification was reduced by a factor of 4 for bone lesions (10.24% for Dix
40               Compared with those in other years, Rh and Ra were reduced by 36.8% and 59.1%, respectively, which were lik
41 mRNA, whereas protein quantification showed that total RyR2 was reduced by 15% in the heart of treated mice.
42 tment, the PFOA concentration in 1.4 L of aqueous solutions was reduced by 90% with the high rate process (76.5 W input p
43                              Binding in the PD-L1(+) spleen was reduced by coadministration of BMS-986192.
44 y quartiles of cholesterol efflux/apoA-I, incidence of T2DM was reduced by 54% in subjects who were in the higher cholest
45 t urban region, the 90th percentile of the AED arrival time was reduced by 6 minutes and 43 seconds relative to historica
46    Results indicated that expression of the ltxA transcript was reduced by a potential transcriptional terminator in prom
47 s: TGFbeta1 delivered a potent pro-fibrotic stimulus, which was reduced by TGFbeta antibody or the anti-fibrotic nintedan
48 sed fecal mevalonate levels in the TNBS-treated mice, which were reduced by the CSA13 administration.
49 mation and enhanced endothelial permeability, both of which were reduced by PAR1 antagonists.
50             Averaged across both the cultivars, grain yield was reduced by 18 to 29%.

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